Professor Luigia Carlucci Aiello had a degree in Mathematics at the University of Pisa and a Diploma of Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, in 1968. From 1970 to 1981, she was a researcher at IEI (now ISTI) of CNR, Pisa. In the seventies, she worked at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of Stanford University, directed by J. McCarthy, focused on automated deduction and the construction of interactive proof checkers with applications to program verification.
Founder and first president of AI*IA, the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence and EurAI Fellow in 1999.
She has coordinated several national programs, projects, working groups, and networks of excellence of the European Union, acted as an expert in evaluation and review committees, and been a member of several editorial boards.
From 1982, she worked at DIS, Sapienza University of Roma, where she founded the research group of Artificial Intelligence. She has been chair of the Doctoral Program in "Ingegneria Informatica", and chair of the curriculum in "Ingegneria Informatica". In particular, she investigated the possibilities offered by an explicit representation of meta-knowledge to increase the efficiency of deduction. She applied AI techniques for the construction of intelligent systems and systems that support human learning; she has done research in cognitive robotics and the application of planning techniques to security.
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