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Distinguished Service Award

Distinguished Service Award 2018

Professor Wolfgang Bibel (TU Darmstadt, Germany)

Professor Wolfgang Bibel was heavily involved in the foundation of Artificial Intelligence research and organization in Germany and Europe.
He was the founding President of ECCAI (1982 - 1986) and is a Fellow of EurAI (1999), the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), and he received the Donald E. Walker Distinguished Service Award from IJCAII, the Silver Core from IFIP, the Herbrand Award from CADE Inc., among several other awards.

Wolfgang Bibel received his PhD with a thesis in Mathematical Logic in 1968 and his Diploma in Mathematics in 1964 from the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich. His more than 200 publications, including about 20 books, cover a variety of topics in Artificial Intelligence/Intellectics, such as automated deduction, the architecture of deductive systems, knowledge representation and inference, planning, learning, program synthesis, and aspects of applications of AI in disciplines like Psychology, Sociology, Education, and Politics.

Professor Wolfgang Bibel, for many years, served on more than a dozen boards of journals and book series, for instance, as Section Editor of the Artificial Intelligence Journal. In the years 1992 through 1998 he coordinated the national program on Automated Deduction in Germany.

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