ESSAI is developing into an important meeting place and forum for discussion for students and researchers interested in the interdisciplinary study of Artificial Intelligence in a broad sense. One of the main attractions is ESSAI’s unique scientific and social atmosphere. One of the tracks of ESSAI consists of advanced tutorials on a specific subject and corresponds to the traditional ACAI school organized by EurAI since 1989.
The ESSAI Summer School covers one week of courses and workshops in the summer, at different sites around Europe, for both beginning and advanced students, and junior and senior researchers. ESSAI provides introductory and advanced courses in all areas of AI, emphasizing topics that allow students to gain a broad view of AI and understand connections between subdisciplines. ESSAI also offers several social activities for students and researchers alike.
ESSAI&ACAI 2024 was the 2nd edition of the annual European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) and the 21st Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI) held under the auspices of EurAI. From July 15 to July 26, 2024, in Athens (Greece), ESSAI&ACAI offered 30 week-long courses and 11 two-hour advanced tutorials.
All ESSAI courses are available on the ESSAI-2024 website
The 1st edition of ESSAI&ACAI was held in 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia and was extremely successful, attracting over 500 participants.
In 2023, EurAI made the 20th edition of Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI) part of a larger European Summer School on AI (ESSAI), structured following the successful model developed by the European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI).
EurAI annually invites member societies to submit proposals for organizing the ESSAI&ACAI event.
Here are the guidelines for bids to host the ESSAI&ACAI Summer School.