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ESSAI&ACAI 2024 is the 2nd edition of the annual European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (ESSAI) and the 21st Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI) held under the auspices of EurAI.
ESSAI&ACAI is a central meeting place for students and young researchers in AI to discuss current research and share knowledge from wider scientific, historical, and philosophical perspectives.

  • From July 15 to July 26, 2024, in Athens (Greece), ESSAI&ACAI will offer 30 week-long courses and 11 two-hour advanced tutorials. Participants can register for one week only or for the whole school. They can also attend the schools remotely.

  • Registration is now open here

  • The provisional schedule of the ESSAI&ACAI is available here

  • Fellowships funded by EurAI covering registration will be offered to 30 selected students. Details for the travel grant application are available here.

  • If you are affiliated with an organization member of the Network of Excellence TAILOR, you will be able to attend with a free registration (details appear on the registration page).

See the ESSAI 2024 website for all the updated information and join us in ESSAI&ACAI 2024!


The 1st edition of ESSAI&ACAI was held in 2023 in Ljubljana, Slovenia and was extremely successful, attracting over 500 participants.

In 2023, EurAI made the 20th edition of Advanced Course on Artificial Intelligence (ACAI) part of a larger European Summer School on AI (ESSAI), structured following the successful model developed by the European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI).

EurAI annually invites member societies to submit proposals for organizing the ESSAI&ACAI event.
Here are the guidelines for bids to host the ESSAI&ACAI Summer School.

© 2022 EurAI - by the European Association for Artificial Intelligence